Your Question:

How do I activate Brytewave Codes from the Bookstore?

Your Answer:
Last Updated: Jan 12, 2023 Views: Views: 468

The PIN is not for the link in Blackboard.

To find the code for Blackboard, go to the website address underneath the PIN:

  1. Go to

  2. Create a Brytewave account

  3. Use the "Have an access code?" link.

  4. Enter the purchase code (PIN) from your receipt.

  5. The publisher access code is revealed.

  6. Go to Blackboard and follow your instructor's direction to access the book.

  7. Enter the Publisher Access Code in the link in Blackboard that your instructor provides.

If you run into further issues, please contact your instructor for assistance.

*Please see attached file for screenshots of the instruction steps. 

Answered By: Chatt Tech Library Staff

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