BannerWeb Registration Instructions
– Log into your Okta account
– Click the ‘BannerWeb’ tab at the top of the Okta page.
– Click on ‘Student Services and Financial Aid’ at the top of the page.
– Click ‘Registration’.
To search and input your courses manually, click ‘Add/Drop classes manually
- On this page, you can enter the CRNs manually if you know them or use the Class Search button.
- By using the Class Search option, you can search by course name and number.
- Put a check mark in the box next to the class that you choose and click ‘Register’ to add to your schedule.
- Once classes are added, click ‘Course Schedule Detail’ at the bottom of the page to have a detailed schedule print-out that will include location, times and instructor.
- Classes can also be removed by locating the course on the Add/Drop page and changing the drop-down box status.
Answered By: Bethany Schultz