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What does it mean when I try to view an ebook and it says "sorry, this ebook in use"?

Your Answer:
Last Updated: May 01, 2017 Views: Views: 163

This message means someone else is currently viewing the ebook. 

  • Most of our ebooks only allow one person at a time to view the book. 
  • Most ebooks will automatically time out if the person viewing the book doesn't click, turn a page, or do anything else in the book for approximately 15 minutes 
  • If you see the message simply wait about 15-20 mintues and try to access the book again
  • If you see the same message after more than 1 hour it is possible someone has downloaded (checked out) the book. 
  • Downloaded (checked out) books won't be available until the loan period expires (7 or 14 days) 
  • There is no way to return an ebook early, or for the library to intervene and make the ebook available 
Answered By: CTC Library Staff

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