Where more than tutoring is always FREE for students!

       Spring 2025 Semester Information

Academic Success Centers
 offer the following for Chatt Tech students:

  • FREE Online and On-Campus tutoring

  • FREE access to study areas for students

  • FREE access to human anatomy models

  • FREE access to computers including printers

  • FREE After Hours Tutoring in additional subjects

  • FREE access to academic resources (see below)


Connect with us via live chat Monday - Thursday 9:00AM - 4:30PM and Friday 8AM - 2PM. Text and emails will be answered within a 24 to 48 hours excluding holidays or college closure.  After hours messages will be answered in the order they were received.


Submit Your Question

Your Question

Please provide your student e-mail address (@students.chattahoocheetech.edu) so we know where to send your answer. We will not share your email address.

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